Sagittarius Season : Branded

This is an ongoing series where I create a moodboard for the current sun season, combining my knowledge of astrology with graphic design as a creative exploration. If you have a lot of Sagittarius placements, feel free to use elements that resonate as a form of inspiration for your own brand. My end goal is to create moodboards for each sign as an artistic reference point.

Barcelona tag by RLT images, Quang logo by Rowan Made, Soleil shirt by Sézane, Prague graphic by Katie Made That, Merde by Lavenderia Type, Hanji branding by Studio FNT, Lisbon building by Kaboom, Ramen by Trenemon, Lisbon building by Tanya Arya, Yellow street wear by Frances Davison, Stamps by Daniel Quay, Matchboxes by Anthropologie.

I was riding up an escalator the first time my eyes laid on land abroad. From deep in the metro to the bustling streets of Paris, I took in the top of old buildings as they came into view, followed by shop signs and quaint cafes and beautifully dressed people moving every which way.

In an instant, my life changed. My view, altered.

The foreign language. The ease of travel by train. The slow dinners. The absence of overly kind midwesterners. A new culture, unfolding itself before my eyes.

I was 23 years old and finally exploring the world. A tale as old as time. And it couldn’t be more Sagittarius.

Sagittarius, the energy of wide experience. An endless quest for truth. Why are we here? And … what’s the meaning of it all?

Of course nobody really knows, but Sagittarius is eager to find out. Or, at least, attempt to. And so they adventure. Two neighborhoods or two plane rides away, it doesn’t really matter. As long as they are experiencing more of the world outside of their own, they’re on the right track.

But it’s not always about moving around on two feet. One can dive into books about ancient civilizations or study whatever fascinates them. These things can expand the mind, too.

Sagittarius is the traveler, the student, and eventually, the philosopher. The one, who, having experienced a wider view of the world, begins to marinate on those aforementioned tough questions. They may settle on a few of their own truths, but ultimately recognize that life still and always be an endless adventure into parts unknown.

For me, Paris was only the beginning. Endlessly fascinated by other cultures and seeing more more more, I prioritized saving money for other trips. Biking in Copenhagen. Ferrying to a remote island in Thailand. Endless pasta in Italy. Staring at the stars in the Sahara.

Each adventure has shown me that no matter who we are or where we live, all humans just want to belong. We live. We breathe. We hurt. We shine. Earth is mysterious and glorious and I am so thankful for each and every experience I’ve had beyond the four walls that I call home.


Being that I’ve been in travel nostalgia land for this post, that is exactly where my visual quest began. Beautiful buildings and tile work in Portugal? Check. Travel ephemera? Check. Design inspiration from abroad? Check.

Following that thread, anything travel or culture related in terms of photography and illustration is fair game if Sagittarius is prominent within your chart. My project for The Lisbon is a great example of this. But you can definitely be more abstract, too. Sagittarius is expansive and optimistic. Big and bountiful. So let those words inspire you if straightforward travel imagery doesn’t fit your brand. It’s more than okay to be abstract with these concepts. In fact, that’s probably the case for most of you.

For type, it’s more of the same in terms of the descriptive words I just mentioned. Think: a super tall and condensed font. Or something loud and proud. Bold type easily comes to mind. So does anything filed under “display.” And again, you *could* be more literal with fonts that feel directly inspired by other countries if that happens to make sense for you.

And finally, for color, I simply had fun. A Sagittarius keystone. While it’s a fire sign, the straightforward reds, yellows, and oranges feel a bit more Aries to me. So I took some of that as a base and punched it up, beginning with a poppy yellow. Chartreuse could be cool too. Then, instead of red, I went with pink. And lastly, blue. I can’t really explain why I think blue for Sagittarius, but I always do. The overall effect of the particular colors I used give “vintage travel” vibes and my eyes had a really good time putting everything together.

The only downside? I’m itching to travel. It’s harder these days with a two year old in tow, but we just gathered up a BUNCH of airline miles via credit card sign up bonuses, so the gears are starting to churn. Highest on my list? Japan.

And that’s it for this season! While I don’t have any prominent placements within Sagittarius, I do live with one and experience his optimism every single day. It’s a breath of fresh air and reminder for my practical Capricornian self to get out of my own box once in awhile. Maybe you need a bit more of that in your life as well?


Capricorn Season : Branded


Scorpio Season : Branded