Pisces Season : Branded
This is an ongoing series where I create a moodboard for the current sun season, combining my knowledge of astrology with graphic design as a creative exploration. If you have a lot of Pisces placements, feel free to use elements that resonate as a form of inspiration for your own brand. My end goal is to create moodboards for each sign as an artistic reference point.
Shells by Desenio, Leaves by JubJang, Tarot by Clarity Tarot, Hand in water by Marta Gil Nevado, Ottilia branding by Rowan Made, Flowers by Trille and photographed by We Are Origami, Interlocking lines by Schumacher.
I grew up going to church and viscerally remember the feeling of looking around as an entire congregation monotonously repeated certain prayers, only to wonder which ones of them felt anything at all. My neighbor’s church was a little different and my kid brain perked up. They sang modern songs and put their hands up and seemed livelier.
To me, it was a spectrum of feeling. Of observing human beings connect to something bigger than themselves in a way that mattered to them.
But I never found God in the same way that the church wanted me to. I tried listening to Christian bands and buying a cooler Bible and finding verses that resonated, but religion was never supposed to be my inroad.
For some, it is, and the last thing I want to do is shame anyone for what they believe. If you’re religious, cool. Agnostic, cool. Athiest, that’s cool too. This post is ultimately about that feeling of being connected to something bigger than yourself.
When my progressed Sun* moved into Pisces six years ago, I experienced a honeymoon phase of all things New Age. Tarot, astrology, psychics, you name it, my ears perked up. It was so different than what I grew up with and seemingly open to all. But just like with religion, you’ve got people telling you what to believe and how to act and over time, it lost some of that initial sparkle.
Which brings me to the central theme of this season. As the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces does this thing where it melts away ego. Stripped bare, it recognizes that we are all ultimately one. Built of the same stuff. It doesn’t care if you’re Islam or Buddhist or if you say God or despise it entirely.
It just is, that’s the point.
Someone may experience that feeling of something bigger than themselves while praying in a church. Another person may find it during meditation. But we can get even more nuanced than that.
When I was little, I found it in the piano. I didn’t recognize it at the time, but I went into a different space when I played. Even today, music is my church. I didn’t know you could call it that, but you absolutely can.
For my husband, it’s solo biking. Anywhere, but there’s a specific specialness to biking at night or in light snow, which, to quote him, feels like “moving through stars.”
I can imagine a gardener getting zen in the simple movements of planting seeds and pulling weeds and listening to the birds and the bees.
Or an artist feeling that spark of inspiration and spending hours in their studio that only feel like minutes.
And so my question for you is this. What’s your church? Your God? Stripped of religious context or not, it’s the thing (or things) that help you tap into something bigger than yourself. Where you feel present and connected to everything everywhere all at once.
That’s Pisces.
At the beginning of prepping for this post, my mind got hooked on the idea of dreamy pastel pinks and purples. Precious quartz and amethyst. But Pisces isn’t the mind and demanded full surrender from me. As I collected imagery, I noticed pink blending with blue. And not just a dreamy blue, but darker shades, too. And so I went with it.
As a water sign, blue makes sense. But I’ve also seen Piscean brands that skew rainbow or even sherbert-y pastel. As with any archetype, there is no right answer. And perhaps Pisces is the most ambiguous of all.
For typography, I focused on thin and organic line-work. Nothing that felt bold and overly strong. Pisces is not inherently weak, but it is also not forceful. It dreams. It weaves. It ebbs. It flows. Cursive or italics or simple + clean sans serif fonts come to mind first. Thin and delicate serifs, too. But I’ve also seen many spiritual based brands lean into more of this trendy cosmic vibe as well.
For imagery, shadows played an important role at showcasing the multi-dimensional nature of Pisces. Waves and water and shells and twisting lines came along in similar fashion. I could easily see illustrations of clouds and stars and ancient symbols too. Anything that incorporates some elements of flow. Magic. Dreaminess. A person wearing a long, billowy dress. The sun hitting the water just right, it sparkles. The most beautiful, intricate flowers. On and on it goes.
And that’s it for this season! For those of you with strong Pisces placements within your own chart, I would love to hear what colors your dreamy mind is drawn to.
My own North Node is in Pisces. But since our North Node is “where we’re heading,” it’s an energy that doesn’t come naturally to me. Still, I know that it holds great medicine for me in this life and I find that I’m drawn to it. It just requires a lot of conscious effort to tap into and a willingness to fail spectacularly, given that my South Node in Virgo is an engrained habit that doesn’t want to let go of control. So, show me your ways my flowy friends! I’m trying to join the club. ;)
* Your progressed Sun represents the unfolding story of your life. Just as you grow, so does your Sun. At birth, your Sun is in a specific sign at a specific degree. Each year thereafter, the progressed Sun moves about one degree. For example, my Sun is at 29 degrees Capricorn. When I turned 1, my progressed sun moved to 0 degrees Aquarius, where it spent the next 30 years (as there are 30 degrees per sign). I am now 36 and six years ago, my progressed Sun moved into Pisces. While I was too little to notice much of a shift into Aquarius, I was definitely aware of my progressed sun moving into Pisces. All things New Age and spiritual floated right into my consciousness and I was into. it. That said, our Sun sign is our Sun sign and will always underscore everything. I am still a Capricorn through and through, but there are simply additional energies layering themselves onto my being as I grow. It’s the same for you, too. You can figure out where your current progressed Sun is on astro.com. For the chart type dropdown, select “natal and progressed chart” and look for the bright green “circle with a dot inside” symbol.